Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Transport information for trips

CNES Minibus (reg SC05 ZWG) £35 per day + fuel - tel 822661 (17 seater)

Ullapool HS Minibus - tel 01854 612078
Old Minibus (reg W237 NJS) 30p per mile + fuel
New Minibus (reg SY59 YDZ) 40p per mile + fuel

(Ullapool best value for day trips, overnight to Aberdeen equal to taking CNES minibus. If CNES minibus left in Ullapool for another trip the next day - ie 4 days use (2 trips) then cheaper than Ullapool HS costs)

Calmac ferry prices
Passengers - £7.85 pupils, £15.70 staff.
Minibus - upto 5M - £39.50 (£79.00 return), upto 8M - £60.00 (£120.00 return)