Monday 1 June 2015

Name: Cirsty Gillies
Sport/Discipline: Football
Sporting Hero: Alick Wright
Best Achievement in Sport: 2014 Scottish Schools Champions

How are you preparing for the games?
  • Training Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Runs twice a week
  • Weights one/twice a week
  • Circuits once a week
What are your targets for the games?
  • To perform to my best
  • Ensure I put in a much effort as possible so as not to let the team down
  • Enjoy it
What are you most looking forward to at the games?
  • Going away to play as a team and represent the island
  • Playing at the highest level, most intense level I will see in my footballing career
  • Hearing 'happy days' repeatedly whenever the team performs well (Euan)